Owah-owahan Inovatif, Outlook the Future-IME2022 Dianakaké ing Chengdu Grandly

Konferensi Microwave Barat kaping 4 IME2022 dianakake kanthi upacara ing Chengdu. Minangka kumpulan gedhe saka gelombang mikro, milimeter-gelombang lan antena karo pengaruh industri ing wilayah kulon, Konferensi Western Microwave taun iki terus kanggo nggedhekake ukuran ing basis saka kaluwihan sumber daya, mbentuk 100+ pameran merek perusahaan, 30+ forum konferensi profesional, kanthi medan elektromagnetik lan gelombang mikro, Terahertz, antena, sirkuit terpadu, desain chip, testing lan teknologi liyane ditampilake kanthi terpusat, nyedhiyakake platform ijol-ijolan digital kanggo riset inovatif, pangembangan teknologi lan industri.

Minangka produsen profesional komponen pasif RF, it is good access to meet material suppliers face-to face at this expo, discovering something new for products. With the concept of innovative change, Jingxin always keeps up with the pace of the markets to support our clients. Outlooking the future, Jingxin R&D team tends to offer better ODM/OEM service in the Telecom industry. Hence, you are welcome to consult detail with us at sales@cdjx-mw.com.


Wektu kirim: Nov-08-2022