mugadziri weRF sefa, dhizaini dhizaini iripo
mugadziri weRF sefa, dhizaini dhizaini iripo,
RF sefa mugadziri,
GSM 900 Band Pass Cavity Sefa Inoshanda kubva 896-915MHz
Cavity filter JX-CF1-896M915M-45S is one kind of band pass filter designed by Jingxin for GSM 900 solution. Its frequency covers 896-915MHz with the pass band of 19MHz, featuring the insertion loss less than 1.7dB@896-915MHz & 1.1dB@905.5MHz, return loss over 17dB, rejection over 45dB @DC-890MHz & 925-3800MHz as the client’s definition. It is available with SMA connectors, measured 96mm x 66mm x 36mm, during the design, our engineers always consider the perfect performance with the small volume.
Mhando yakadaro yebhendi pass cavity sefa yakajairika. Kune akawanda bandpass mafirita anowanikwa eGSM900 muJingxin kabhuku. Jingxin inogona kupa ODM sevhisi zvinoenderana nezvaunoda futi. Nekuzvipira, ese maRF passive zvikamu kubva kuJingxin ane makore matatu waranti.
Parameter | Zvinotsanangurwa |
Frequency range | 896-915MHz |
Dzorera kurasikirwa | ≥17dB |
Kuisa kurasikirwa | ≤1.7dB@896-915MHz ≤1.1dB@905.5MHz |
Kurambwa | ≥45dB@DC-890MHz |
≥45dB@925-3800MHz | |
Simba | 10 W |
Kushanda tembiricha range | -40°C kusvika +85°C |
Impedance | 50 Ω |
Tsika RF Passive Zvikamu
Semugadziri weRF passive components, Jingxin inogona kugadzira akasiyana-siyana zvichienderana nekushandiswa kwevatengi.
Matanho matatu chete ekugadzirisa dambudziko rako reRF Passive Component
1. Kutsanangura parameter newe.
2. Kupa chikumbiro chekusimbiswa naJingxin.
3. Kugadzira prototype yekuedzwa naJingxin.