Shirweynihii 4-aad ee Microwave-ga Galbeedka ee IME2022 ayaa si xushmad leh loogu qabtay Chengdu. Sida kulan weyn ee microwave, millimeter-mawjada iyo anteenooyinkooda saamaynta warshadaha ee gobolka galbeedka, Shirka Western Microwave sanadkan sii waday in la ballaariyo miisaankeeda ku salaysan faa'iidooyinka khayraadka, samaynta 100+ bandhigyo brand shirkad, 30+ forums shirarka xirfadeed, oo leh goob elektromagnetic iyo microwave, Terahertz, anteenooyinkooda, wareegyada isku dhafan, naqshadeynta chip, tijaabinta iyo teknoolojiyadda kale ayaa lagu soo bandhigay qaab dhexe, siinta madal sarrifka dhijitaalka ah ee cilmi-baarista hal-abuurka leh, horumarinta tignoolajiyada iyo warshadaha.
Sida soo-saare xirfad leh oo ka mid ah qaybaha RF dadban, it is good access to meet material suppliers face-to face at this expo, discovering something new for products. With the concept of innovative change, Jingxin always keeps up with the pace of the markets to support our clients. Outlooking the future, Jingxin R&D team tends to offer better ODM/OEM service in the Telecom industry. Hence, you are welcome to consult detail with us at
Waqtiga boostada: Nov-08-2022