IP65 Cavity Duplexer 2305-2315/2350-2360MHz JX-CD-2332-01WP

Inombolo yomthetho: JX-CD-2332-01WP

- Ukufakwa Okuphansi
- Ukwenqatshwa Okuphezulu

- Idizayini Yangokwezifiso Iyatholakala

Ithimba le-R&D

- Ukuba nonjiniyela abayi-10 abangochwepheshe

- Ngokuhlangenwe nakho Okukhethekile Kweminyaka engu-15+


- Ukuxazulula 1000+ Amacala Projects

- Izingxenye Zethu Ezihlanganisa I-European Railway Systems, USA Public Safety Systems to Asian Military Communication Systems nokunye.

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Omaka bomkhiqizo


IP65 Cavity Duplexer 2305-2315/2350-2360MHz

I-duplexer engangeni manzi i-JX-CD-2332-01WP iwuhlobo olulodwa lwengxenye ye-RF ye-passive eklanyelwe futhi ekhiqizwe ukudayiswa yi-Jingxin, efaka ikakhulukazi ukulahlekelwa okuphansi kokufakwa okungaphansi kuka-2.5dB ngevolumu encane, kukalwa i-LxWxH: 135.8mm x 96.2mm x 39.5 mm.

The frequency of this duplexer covers from 2305-2315MHz and 2350-2360MHz with Rejections(Full Temp) ≥70dB@2350-2360MHz, ≥70dB@2305-2315MHz.This duplexer is produced with N-Female connector, but which can be switched to others according to the demand, such kind of duplexer can bear in the field for a long time.

Njengoba kuthenjisiwe, zonke izingxenye ze-RF ezingenzi lutho ezivela ku-Jingxin zinewaranti yeminyaka emi-3.





I-Frequency Rang



Ukulahlekelwa kokubuyisela (Isikhathi Esivamile)

≥18 dB

≥18 dB

Ukulahlekelwa kokubuyisela (Isikhathi Esigcwele)



Ukulahlekelwa okuphezulu kokufakwa (Isithembu Esivamile)

≤2.5 dB

≤2.5 dB

Ukulahlekelwa okuphezulu kokufakwa (Isithembu Esigcwele)




≤1.5 dB

≤1.5 dB

Ukwenqatshwa(Isikhathi Esigcwele)

≥70 dB@2350-2360MHz

≥70 dB@2305-2315MHz

I-Impedans wonke amachweba

50 ohm

IP65 Cavity Duplexer 2305-23152350-2360MHz JX-CD-2332-01WP

Izingxenye ze-RF Passive zangokwezifiso

Njengomkhiqizi wezinto ezisetshenziswayo ze-RF, i-Jingxin ingakwazi ukuklama ezihlukahlukene ngokuvumelana nezicelo zamakhasimende.
Izinyathelo Ezi-3 Kuphela Zokuxazulula Inkinga Yakho Yengxenye Ye-RF Passive
1. Ukuchaza ipharamitha nguwe.
2. Ukunikeza isiphakamiso sokuqinisekiswa nguJingxin.
3. Ukukhiqiza i-prototype yokuhlolwa kwe-Jingxin.

Xhumana nathi

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